Callout Archive:
12 / 02 / 2025
05 ASC Call-out. 12/02/25 The team were requested by @aspolice to help two people who were stuck in a steep part of Cheddar Gorge. @dsfireupdates also responded and were able to help the people back down to the road.
The team were operational for 1.5 hours.
02 / 02 / 2025
04 ASC Call-out. 2/2/25 The team were contacted by @aspolice to assist @swas_ft with an injured horse rider on Black Down in the Mendip Hills.
We were able to provide pain relief and protection from the cold while we escorted a paramedic to the scene. Following further pain relief the casualty was moved to a stretcher and then carefully carried over 1km across rough terrain to the waiting ambulance.
We wish the injured horse rider a speedy recovery.
The team was operational for 4 hours.
26 / 01 / 2025
03 ASC Call-out. 26-27/1/25 As flood waters were rising in South Somerset on Sunday night we were part of a multi-agency response to help affected people. Team members were operational for nearly 12 hours overnight helping residents move from flooded properties and carrying out welfare checks on others.
06 / 01 / 2025
02 ASC Call-out. A member of the public found an injured person by the roadside in Cheddar Gorge today (6/1/25). They had dialled 999 requesting an ambulance but were growing increasingly concerned for the casualty due to the cold. They called 999 again and asked for Mountain Rescue, @aspolice passed the call straight to us. As an Incident Controller was gathering more details from the passer by they confirmed the casualty was now being loaded into an ambulance. No attendance required.
Our thanks to the passer by for stopping to help and thinking of asking for us as @swas_ft have so many pressures to deal with.
04 / 01 / 2025
01 ASC Call-out. On Saturday night 04/01/2025 the team deployed along with several other SAR agencies and 4×4 response groups assisting Avon and Somerset Police in reaching a number of incidents that were difficult to access due to the adverse weather conditions.
Snow and ice covered many of the rural roads in the BANES area. Members in the teams 4×4 vehicle worked with the police to attend a large number of incidents caused by the inclement weather.
03 / 12 / 2024
22 ASC Call-out. Avon and Somerset Police contacted the team during the late evening on 3/12/24 following concerns for a high-risk male in Avon Gorge. The team was put on standby as discussions continued around how we could best help. Given the circumstances it was agreed by all involved that we could be called at first light to undertake a land and cliff search. The team was stood down pending further contact.
Sadly the police reported that a deceased male had been found in the gorge the next day. Our thoughts are with his family and friends as they begin the grieving process.
24 / 11 / 2024
21 ASC Call-out. The team were deployed to major flooding in Yate, South Gloucestershire overnight. Throughout the night, welfare checks were made on residents in their properties.
Other team members delivered support roles, all part of a large multi-agency response to support people in our community. The team worked alongside @avonfirerescue and supported by our neighbouring Mountain Rescue Teams @severn_area_rescue_association and @exmoorsrt.
28 / 10 / 2024
20 ASC Call-out. On 28/10/24 @aspolice contacted us regarding a high risk missing female near Weston-super-Mare. The team was called out but then put on standby as new sightings had come to light. Upon investigation the new intelligence indicated that our services would not be needed and we could stand down.
27 / 10 / 2024
19 ASC Call-out. On Sunday 27/10/24 @severn_area_rescue_association made contact requesting assistance with an ongoing search for a vulnerable missing female near Gloucester. Several team members deployed to help but were stood down en route as @glospolice had located her safe and well.
03 / 10 / 2024
18 ASC Call-out. @dorset_search_and_rescue requested support with an ongoing search for a missing person suspected of being in a river near Wimborne. We were able to deploy 3 x swift water and flood rescue technicians but were stood down en route as sadly the person was found deceased in the water. Our condolences to the family and friends.
25 / 09 / 2024
17 ASC Call-out. @aspolice contacted the team requesting support as a vulnerable young person was in a precarious position. As one of the teams Incident Controllers was gathering information from officers at the scene they could report the person was now safely with police.
03 / 09 / 2024
16 ASC Call-out. The team were called out to a person with a suspected broken ankle on the hill side above Cheddar Gorge.
Working alongside @swas_ft colleagues, the casualty was treated and evacuated by stretcher to the roadside.
27 / 08 / 2024
15 ASC Call-out. @swas_ft requested help via @aspolice for us to move a casualty down a steep, rocky path to the roadside. The team went on standby, then to callout but rapidly stood down as a local team member had got to the casualty site to be advised by the paramedics that the casualty would be able to walk down with assistance.
20 / 08 / 2024
14 ASC Call-out. @aspolice contacted us requesting our assistance in the search for a high risk missing female north of Wells. Initially the team was put on standby while further work was done to ascertain her location. The team was called out as reports had come in that she was in Ebbor Gorge thanks to a member of the public. Police made contact with her and the team went back to being on standby and then stood down when the police confirmed our presence was not needed. The team was operational for 2.5hrs.
29 / 07 / 2024
13 ASC Call-out. @aspolice requested the support of ASSAR in the search for a vulnerable female in the Brent Knoll area. Working alongside police officers, police drone and dog team we were able to identify her location and once officers had made contact, confirming she was uninjured we were able to stand down. The team was operational for 2.5 hours.
14 / 07 / 2024
12 ASC Call-out. @aspolice called us requesting assistance in the search for Charlie, a young male who lived in the Cleeve area. Sadly team members discovered the body of a young male shortly after being deployed into the wooded area.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends as they begin the grieving process.
The team was operational for 5.5hrs including a search dog from @sardasouthwales
27 / 06 / 2024
11 ASC Call-out. The team were requested to help police looking for a vulnerable male in Chipping Sodbury. Members searched wooded areas on the outskirt of the town supported by Search Dog Griff from Search and Rescue Dog Association SARDA South Wales into the night. As nothing was found the team returned the following day by searching the woodland again in daylight to increase the probability of detection, plus a common on the west of the town. Nothing was found and we remain ready to help following further police investigations. The team were active for a total of 10 hours.
14 / 06 / 2024
10 ASC Call-out. For a short time duration support was given to Exmoor Search & Rescue Team as there some communication issues between themselves and the police.
02 / 06 / 2024
09 ASC Call-out. The team were called out to search for high risk male in the Thornbury area. The team was deployed and searching for a short time when it was confirmed by @glospolice that they had located the missing male and he was receiving the support he needed. The team was active for 2 hours.
04 / 05 / 2024
08 ASC Call-out. The team were initially requested to support Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service with a rescue from height in Cheddar Gorge but no action was needed from ASSAR.